Wednesday, July 30, 2014

As within, so without.

The real battle of life is one of ideas. It is a timeless war fought out by the few against the many. On one side is constructive and creative thought dominated by ideals; on the other side is destructive and negative thought dominated by appearances.

That world is in a period of transition is apparent by the unrest everywhere. The complaint of humanity is as a roll of heaven's artillery, commencing with low and threatening notes and increasing until the sound is sent from cloud to cloud, and the lightning splits the earth and heavens.

The crux of the social problem is entirely a question of conviction in the minds of the people as to the nature of the Universe. When they truly realize that the transcendent force of spirit or mind of the Cosmos is within each individual, it will be possible to frame laws that shall consider the liberties and rights of the many instead of the privileges of the few.

The true interest of the emerging world is to emancipate and recognize the human spirit. To recognize that the power that is inherent within. That no human being has anymore power than another human being. The old fatalistic doctrine of Divine election that inherently institutionalizes inequality and every form of privilege must be abolished in this new era.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Soul Clouds.

the salt of the earth welcomes the shells of the sea.
our mountains are our paths
to be, to see, to free

let time bring eternity, for
within limitations sits our immortality.

what is time?
it's you
it's me

purification ignites
soul to spirit
aether loosens internal debris, and
freedom awaits
within the netherworld of mental mountains.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Orphaned, yet free.

Life has taught me many things, but one of the biggest things it has taught me is that things don't go away just because you ignore them. Things like fear, pain, anger, sadness, guilt; they cling to your soul no matter how far you've stuffed them away from your daily cognizance. They just get driven deeper, and eventually locked behind the numbness of our once vibrant hearts.

Last night before I fell asleep, I decided to do what some may never dare. I had a little conversation with Death. You see Death has always been lurking amongst the shadows of my being, weaving in and out throughout the years, sending along its passive threats to consume me. Death has always been the fear that has controlled me the most, whether it's the death of a family member, the death of a job, the death of a relationship, or death of a former me as I travelled along life's highway. So, I decided that it was time for Death and I to have a little chat. I've grown tired of Death's passive, yet, lingering grasp of me. I invited Death to step forward and show me its many faces, and when they all appeared before me, I explained to them all that I knew I couldn't control how or when they appeared in my life, but I don't want to live and die with my heart imprisoned behind their walls.

They whispered back to me, "Wouldn't you rather die numb?"

"No!" I whimpered back. "I'd rather die soft and feeling pain than hard, brittle and numb. I want to die all the little and big deaths with my heart free, wide open, wondering and loving/living fiercely!"

Their response was immediate: "Then how do you have to live so you can be sure to die that way?"

And I realized that the will to live and the will to die are intertwined.

Last night as I lay exploring the complexities of interiority, I found a twisted seed of passion I've been slowly, yet surely, nurturing my whole life--the seed of denial. Whenever I've been hurt or was afraid, I turned to ice. But last night upon my windy mountaintop under the immense white sky, where everything has been frozen into dormancy, I made a commitment to melt those attachments clinging to my soul that are stuck there from ignoring their presence. Despair, hurt, guilt.

If I feel the energy in my body, and don't tell myself any stories about it, if I follow it all the way, drifting down until I touch the soil where the pain and fear can root, what will it become in the spring? Could that twisted seed of passion, denial, become the full, ripe seed of presence, of coming to my senses, the place where true Passion abides?

The ice walls that have been the fortress of my soul for so long are melting, softening. I am learning not to ignore or abandon myself when I am in pain. In some ways I am an orphan now that this twisted seed isn't an umbilicus.

I am an orphan who is also free now to live abandoned and fully alive.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Let go.

The devils in disguise.

Men seek salvation from evil that they feel is a living monster of the underworld, and idolize those natures portrayed as gods but are demons in disguise; they feel powerful but are merely hate, jealousy, and impurity. These mirages of good and mirages of love must be given favors of sacrifices to keep their wrath at bay.

These lower self beings walk among us, the carnal nature of the lowest self made manifest in the flesh. These mirages possess no ears to hear, no eyes to see, no heart to sympathize, and no power to redeem. These carnal natures of men and women, disguised as power, can only provide emptiness as they are made of air and clothed with shadows of thought.

The only devil which men need to be redeemed or saved from is the self, the lower self. All one has to do to find the devil that haunts is to look within; the devil is simply found within each and every one of us.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

So, the ego is the perpetrator of it all.

The ego's rigidity and resistance to correction are based on narcissistic egotism, pride, and vanity. The collective egos of whole nations bring about their downfall and destruction. Nationalistic vanities and slogans are inflated by political or righteous religious fervor that feed on whole populations for centuries. These frenzied, inflated, narcissistic ego positionalities result in the slaughter of millions of people and the downfall of demagogic leaders, and even their entire populations.

World history is the record of the cost of egotistic positionalities. The ego is not only incapable of assessing situations that are fatal but it even willingly sacrifices life for its own ends. The ego is therefore potentially deadly and would rather 'see you dead' than admit that it is wrong. The ego is capable of what can only be described as colossal ignorance. The ego is intransigent in that it fails to learn from its mistakes. Failed policies are reinstated repeatedly, even in the face of major catastrophe, and the justification is almost always a resort to some moralistic catch phrase that serves the political gains of the propagandists who exploit the gullibility of the naive public.

The ego is only interested in being seen as right and focused on "doing "something," no matter what the results might be. The ego often relies on force, whereas difficult problems can only be resolved through power that transcends the positionalities of 'good' vs 'bad'.

The ego conceals, whereas awareness reveals. The answer to many defective ego positions could be resolved in the sanity of common sense. The ego is naive despite its pretentiousness. It pompously demands proof of the obvious, and in doing so, it is slyly nonintegrous. It could best be described as sophomoric in its facile solutions and self-importance.

The ego feels threatened by common sense and piously recites how society has been mistaken in the past. In so doing it conveniently refuses to cite examples of common sense at all but instead cites examples of faulty collective-ego positions.

The ego holds onto the pleasure and satisfaction of hatred and getting even instead of surrendering to the willingness to forgive and forget. People cling to the familiar, even if it is killing them. Despite their protests, the average person is actually a willing participant in the individual and collective egos. It is resistant to turning down the payoffs of smugly feeling one is better than, more important than, or superior to other people. The satisfaction of spite, revenge, getting even, or 'making them pay' is addictive and self-serving, egotistical, and thus dominates entire nations and religious sects through endless conflict.

These egotistical positions have been institutionalized for decades, even centuries, to guarantee an uninterrupted promulgation. Catering to the ignorance of the masses has filled the bank accounts of the arms merchants and given them power over others.

The sad fact is that the so-called 'holy lands' are currently some of the most unholy places on Earth. Paradoxically, these legendary pieces of land that have cost the lives of multitudes of people over the centuries calibrate with hatred. The footprints of the prophets have been obliterated with the flow of the blood of cruelty and suffering.

I know the way you can get...

I know the way you can get
When you have not had a drink of Love:

Your face hardens,
Your sweet muscles cramp.
Children become concerned
About a strange look that appears in your eyes
Which even begins to worry your own mirror
And nose.

Squirrels and birds sense your sadness
And call an important conference in a tall tree.
They decide which secret code to chant
To help your mind and soul.

Even angels fear that brand of madness
That arrays itself against the world
And throws sharp stones and spears into
The innocent
And into one's self.

O I know the way you can get
If you have not been drinking Love:

You might rip apart
Every sentence your friends and teachers say,
Looking for hidden clauses.

You might weigh every word on a scale
Like a dead fish.

You might pull out a ruler to measure
From every angle in your darkness
The beautiful dimensions of a heart you once

I know the way you can get
If you have not had a drink from Love's

That is why all the Great Ones speak of
The vital need
To keep remembering God,
So you will come to know and see Him
As being so Playful
And Wanting,
Just Wanting to help.

That is why Hafiz says:
Bring your cup near me.
For all I care about
Is quenching your thirst for freedom!

All a Sane man can ever care about
Is giving Love!

~~~by Hafiz~~~

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ode To The Hatters!

Thou covetous wretches!
Beseeching wars and famine,
With outstretched palms of hypocrisy.
Sepulchers of infirmities!
Thine eyes betray your masks.
Don't you know?
The furies you've evoked
Shall be thine own eternal tempest!
Impassioned wrath swallows
The Lion's Dens from within!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Flaming Wrath, roooooaaaaarrrr!

The ancient Egyptians personified the wrath of the male king as a female figure. This was known as Sekhmet, the flaming goddess of justice with the face of a lioness (Assmann, 1991, p. 89).

Since the rulers were also obliged to reign with leniency as well as justly wrath, Sachmet had a softer sister, the cat goddess Bastet. This goddess was also a characteristic of the king pictured in female form.

Correspondingly, in Tibetan Buddhism the mild sister of the Palden Lhamo is the divine Tara.

Through the Lens.

Select Images of Saint Augustine, Florida.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Of Time & Of Mind.

Mind transforms the continuance of physical space-time into moments (the absolute Now) and blends these moments into an apparent continuity through an overlapping of unfolding capsules. The flow of psychological time is an illusion based on the rapid replacement of these capsules.

Each mind computes the measure of time passing and duration from the decay of the surface present in relation to a core of past events. As each new surface is generated, that surface, the rim of the immediate past, recedes in the wake of rising contents. This recession, an uncovering of phases latent in the original traversal, exposes layers in the past forming the content of the immediate past moment.

The surge of the microgeny to a surface that dissolves the instant it appears, the priority of the Self in the unfolding sequence, the feeling of agency, create a Self in a state of becoming, a Self that travels in time like the crest of a wave, always in pursuit of a future just beyond the grasp of the present.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Own Your Truth.

Truth, the Most High of the elemental, fundamental laws of humanity. Within the word 'TRUTH' there resides a multitude of sub-truths, each working individually, yet part of the whole, each seeking the LIGHT at the apex where truth sits.

Humanity through time has sought truth, what's hidden, what's yet to be uncovered. However, truth has always been right there before us, lying within our own very existence, awaiting the next UN-VE(I)LATION. Unveiling, layer underneath layer, each with its own conscious meaning. Each layer, each revelation, stripping away the false securities of the external, leaving us open and vulnerable to the vultures of our own thoughts.

Each revelation brings forth another truth, another unveiling of our own humanity. God is within us all. Divine essence doesn't exist outside ourselves. As within, so without. God is within.

Like the pyramid, truth sits at the apex. The apex of our very own existence.

Own your truth.